Monday, September 27, 2010

SCI Forum Tuesday October 12, 2010

Announcing the next Spinal Cord Injury Forum:

When: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Where: University of Washington Medical Center, Cafeteria Conference Rooms B and C

Title: Conversations...Making a difference for Yourself, Your Community and the World

Advocacy: the act or process of advocating or supporting a cause or proposal. Sometimes you need to take care of yourself. Sometimes you look out for people in your own backyard. And sometimes the issue affects the global community. Join us for a panel discussion with four individuals with spinal cord injuries who are advocates in these areas. From individual accommodations to health care, civic issues and spinal cord injury research and treatment, our panelists are effective and achieving great things with their activism. Come to hear about how our panelists go about working on these issues, discuss the issues themselves, and share your own experiences.

Go to the SCI Forum home page for information about directions and parking: